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GraphQL with Node & React - Full App

GraphQL with Node & React - Full App

Let's build a complete app with GraphQL, Node.js, MongoDB and React.js. From scratch, step by step.

Created by Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Free YouTube Series

Let's build a complete app with GraphQL, Node.js, MongoDB and React.js. From scratch, step by step.

In this series, we'll discover the individual building blocks one at a time and build the entire app from the ground up.

Basic knowledge about Node.js, MongoDB and React.js is assumed, so make sure to check out decent resources on these topics (e.g. my complete guide course) first.

  1. What is GraphQL?

  2. API Design & Project Setup

  3. Schema & Resolvers - Basics

  4. Types & Data

  5. Database & Models

  6. Adding Users & Relations

  7. Dynamic Relations

  8. Adding Bookings

  9. Refactoring our Code

  10. Adding User Authentication

  11. The React Frontend

  12. Adding a Navbar

  13. Adding Authentication for API Access

  14. Using the Token

  15. Adding a Modal

  16. Adding Events

  17. Improving our Events

  18. Creating & Displaying Bookings

  19. Canceling Bookings

  20. Using Dataloader

  21. Improving Queries and Fixing Bugs

  22. Creating Charts

  23. Finishing the App

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