Flutter 3 - What's new for mobile app developers?
Flutter 3 was released - the next major version of Flutter! But despite the version number change, the number of changes for mobile app developers isn't too high.
Flutter 3 was released at Google IO! 🎉
But if it's really a major milestone depends on what you're using Flutter for. Mobile app development? Desktop app development? Cross platform development?
In the video above, Max shares his thoughts on this latest version + an overview of what changed and what we can expect from the future.
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More Resources
👉 Official Flutter 3 Announcement Blog Post: https://medium.com/flutter/whats-new-in-flutter-3-8c74a5bc32d0
👉 Breaking Changes: https://docs.flutter.dev/release/breaking-changes/2-10-deprecations
👉 Tracking Material 3 Progress: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/91605