Sending Emails with React & Cloud Functions
Start sending automatically generated emails from your React apps without building a full backend API first. Use React with Firebase cloud functions instead.
Sending an email with React and cloud functions
Do you need to implement a contact form in your app but don't want create a back-end app to send an email?
Let's learn how to use a serverless approach with Cloud functions on Firebase, and an email service called Nodemailer to make this task super easy!
You'll get the code of a fully working React form with validation, with the awesome style of Material UI components, and the code of the cloud function, that you can use in your projects!!
Check out the React form functionality here 👉 Open live app.
The GitHub repo of the React form and the cloud function is here 👉 Open GitHub repo
👉 Special thanks to Sebastián Gallardo who wrote the cloud function of this article.
Table of contents:
Note: if you wanna deploy a cloud function to the cloud, you'll need a credit card, altough you're not gonna be charged unless you invoke it more than 2 million times a month.
Creating the contact form:
Front-end and back-end roles
The role of the React form is to gather information that users enter and then send that to back-end code that actually sends an email, which is gonna be a cloud function in this case.
But, why can't we just send an email from the client side (directly from the React app)? Because the credentials of the email provider can't be stored in the React app, where users can access its code by inspecting it.
Let's get started!
In this section we're gonna create a contact form with React, with the following features:
-Material UI components, to make it look good.
-Validation, to provide a better UX. The form can only be submitted if all the fields are not empty and the email address has the appropriate shape.
-A Spinner, to show that something is on the way.
-Snackbars, to inform the user the result of an action.
This is how the form looks like:
So, let's get started and start building it:
Create React app:
Run these commands on the terminal to create new React app:
npx create-react-app nodemailer-formcd nodemailer-form
To install Material UI dependancies, run this:
npm install @material-ui/corenpm install @material-ui/lab
Please note that react >= 16.8.0 and react-dom >= 16.8.0 are peer dependencies.
Material UI provides us with out of the box styled React components we can use straight away, and they implement Material, a design system created by Google to help teams build high-quality digital experiences for Android, iOS, Flutter, and the web.
In other words, using Material UI is gonna give us an App-like look to our form.
Add Roboto Font:
Material-UI was designed with the Roboto font in mind.
One way of adding it is via a CDN:
<!-- src/index.html --><linkrel="stylesheet"href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500,700&display=swap"/>
The above <link>
tag must be added inside the <head>
Other way to install the font is via npm. You can learn how to do it here.
Create the form by pasting this code inside
//src/App.js//import `useState` hookimport { useState } from 'react';//import stylesimport './App.css';//import Material UI components and functionsimport TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField';import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid';import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';import Box from '@material-ui/core/Box';import CircularProgress from '@material-ui/core/CircularProgress';import Snackbar from '@material-ui/core/Snackbar';import { Alert } from '@material-ui/lab';import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';//add CSS classes for Material UI components calling a function that returns another functionconst useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({//the CSS class honeypot is added to the honeypot field later on, which is not displayed to users.honeypot: {display: 'none',},}));function App() {//assign the constant `classes` to an object for Material IU components by calling a functionconst classes = useStyles();//define `error` state and the function to change it. The value is false by defaultconst [error, setError] = useState(false);//define `openSnackbar` state and the function to change it. The value is false by defaultconst [openSnackbar, setOpenSnackbar] = useState(false);//define `isLoading` state and the function to change it. The value is false by defaultconst [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);//define `formIsValid` state and the function to change it. The value is false by defaultconst [formIsValid, setFormIsValid] = useState(false);//define `contacForm` state and the function to change it//the whole form is represented by an object, with nested objects inside that represent the input fieldsconst [contactForm, setContactForm] = useState({name: {value: '',elementConfig: {required: true,id: 'standard-basic',label: 'Your Name',},validation: {required: true,errorMessage: 'Please, enter your name',},valid: false,blur: false,},email: {value: '',elementConfig: {required: true,id: 'standard-basic',label: 'Your Email',},validation: {required: true,isEmail: true,errorMessage: 'Please, enter your email',},valid: false,blur: false,},message: {value: '',elementConfig: {required: true,id: 'standard-multiline-static',label: 'Your Message',multiline: true,rows: 4,},validation: {required: true,errorMessage: 'Please, enter your message',},valid: false,blur: false,},//this honeypot field isn't rendered to the DOM, so users don't see it, but it fools bots that fill it automaticallyhoneypot: {value: '',elementConfig: {className: classes.honeypot,label:'If you are a human, do not type anything here. I am here to fool bots',},//This `validation` property is added just to avoid and error when running checkValidity();validation: {},//this input is valid by default so it doesn't prevent human users to click the `Send` buttonvalid: true,blur: false,},});//convert the `contactForm` object into an arrayconst formElementsArray = [];for (let key in contactForm) {formElementsArray.push({id: key,...contactForm[key],});}//map the array to return an array of JSX elementsconst formElements = formElementsArray.map((element) => {return (<Box key={element.id}><TextField{...element.elementConfig}error={!element.valid && element.blur}helperText={!element.valid && element.blur? element.validation.errorMessage: null}onChange={(event) => inputChangedHandler(event, element.id)}onBlur={(event) => inputChangedHandler(event, element.id)}value={element.value}></TextField></Box>);});//this function runs when an input changes or is blurredconst inputChangedHandler = (event, inputIdentifier) => {//create a new object representing the input that was changed or blurredconst updatedFormElement = {...contactForm[inputIdentifier],value: event.target.value,valid: checkValidity(event.target.value,contactForm[inputIdentifier].validation),blur: event.type == 'blur' ? true : false,touched: true,};//create a new object represeting the whole form objectconst updatedContactForm = {...contactForm,[inputIdentifier]: updatedFormElement,};//the whole form is valid until it's notlet formIsValid = true;for (let inputElementIdentifier in updatedContactForm) {formIsValid =updatedContactForm[inputElementIdentifier].valid && formIsValid;}//update `contactForm` statesetContactForm(updatedContactForm);//update `formIsValid` statesetFormIsValid(formIsValid);};//this function is called from inside `inputChangedHandler()`, and checks the validity of an input fieldconst checkValidity = (value, rules) => {//it's always true until there's one false in the waylet isValid = true;if (rules.required) {//value.trim() gets rid of white spacesisValid = value.trim() !== '' && isValid;}if (rules.isEmail) {//the `pattern` constant is a Regular Expression that matches the shape of an emailconst pattern = /[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?/;//`pattern.test()` returns true or falseisValid = pattern.test(value) && isValid;}return isValid;};//this function is called when the user closes the snackbar after getting an error (when the cloud function fails)const closeSnackbar = () => {setOpenSnackbar(false);};//this function is called when clicking the `Send` buttonconst submitForm = () => {//if a bot filled the honeypot field, don't keep running code (e.g don't call a cloud function)if (contactForm.honeypot.value != '') {//the below `return` is called an `early return` and it ends the execution of the function.return;}//set `isLoading` state to true, so the spinner is renderedsetIsLoading(true);//this fake cloud function consoles log the data from the form that is passed to it, and has a 50% chance of resolving.const fakeCloudFunction = (data) => {console.log(data);return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {const error = Math.random() > 0.5 ? true : false;setTimeout(() => {if (!error) {resolve();} else {reject();}}, 1000);});};//call the fake cloud function. Later on, this function will be replaced by the real cloud function.fakeCloudFunction({name: contactForm.name.value,email: contactForm.email.value,message: contactForm.message.value,})//the code inside the `then()` block runs when the message was successfully sent from inside the cloud function.then(() => {//create a new `contactForm` object that looks like the original `contactForm` statelet originalContactForm = {};for (let key in contactForm) {originalContactForm[key] = {...contactForm[key],value: '',valid: key == 'honeypot' ? true : false,blur: false,};}//reset `contactForm` state to its original valuesetContactForm(originalContactForm);//reset the whole form validity to falsesetFormIsValid(false);//set `error` state to false.setError(false);//set `isLoading` state to false, so the spinner is not rendered anymoresetIsLoading(false);//set `openSnackbar` state to true, so the snackbar is rendered, with content that depends on the error statesetOpenSnackbar(true);})//this code below runs when the message was NOT successfully sent from inside of the cloud function.catch(() => {//set `error` state to truesetError(true);//set `isLoading` state to false, so the spinner is not rendered anymoresetIsLoading(false);//set `openSnackbar` state to true, so the snackbar is rendered, with content that depends on the error statesetOpenSnackbar(true);});};//return what's rendered to the virtual DOMreturn (<Box mt="3rem"><Grid container justify="center"><Box><Grid container alignItems="center" direction="column"><h2>Send us a message</h2><p>We'll get back to you soon.</p><form>{formElements}<Grid container justify="center"><Box mt="2rem">{isLoading ? (<CircularProgress />) : (<ButtononClick={submitForm}disabled={!formIsValid}variant="contained"color="primary">Send</Button>)}</Box></Grid></form></Grid></Box></Grid>{error ? (<Snackbaropen={openSnackbar}onClose={closeSnackbar}anchorOrigin={{ vertical: 'top', horizontal: 'center' }}><Alert onClose={closeSnackbar} severity="error">Oops! Something went wrong, try again later.</Alert></Snackbar>) : (<Snackbaropen={openSnackbar}autoHideDuration={2000}onClose={closeSnackbar}anchorOrigin={{ vertical: 'top', horizontal: 'center' }}><Alert severity="success">Message sent!</Alert></Snackbar>)}</Box>);}export default App;
The above code has a dummy implementation of cloud function called fakeCloudFunction
, using a function with a Promise
and a setTimeout()
, but it's gonna be replaced in the comming sections with a real cloud function that actually sends and email with the data we provide in the form.
If you feel overwelmed by the length and complexity of the App.js
component containing the form, take a look a this Academind course: React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) and then you'll feel at home reading the code again. The form code was copied from there, and it's explained there step by step.
Test the form:
In order to test the form manually, run this command to serve the app:
npm start
and then open a tab in the browser and go to localhost:3000
to see the form. Try clicking the fields and leave them empty, to see if validation works. Also try to add an invalid email address and see what happens.
Test the honeypot:
As we don't want our form to be filled and submitted by bots, there's a trap we've set up in the form, which is a form field that is not displayed to users, but that bots see, and fill it automatically.
//the honeypot form fieldhoneypot: {value: '',elementConfig: {className: classes.honeypot,label: 'If you are a human, do not type anything here. I am here to fool bots',},validation: {},valid: true,blur: false}
//if the honeypot field was filled, the early return prevents the cloud function to be calledconst submitForm = () => {if (contactForm.honeypot.value != '') {return}(...)}
Then, we know that if the honeypot field was filled, that was a done by a bot, and we handle the submission of the form in a different way, by doing an early return and avoid calling the cloud function.
So, in order to test the honeypot, just change manually the contactForm
state in src/App.js
by swaping contactForm.honeypot.value
from ''
to a number like 1
or a string like this one: hey, I am bot who filled this form!
After doing the above change, you should still be able to click the Send
button, but fakeCloudFunction()
won't be called. You can verify that by looking at the Console
on the dev tools on the browser. You shouldn't see the data logged from the form that is console logged from inside fakeCloudFunction()
Great! We have a form already working and manually tested! Let's now replace the fakeCloudFunction()
with the real one in the following sections.
Writing a cloud function for Firebase
Pay for what you use
Now it's time to focus on the back-end code that sends the email.
Usually, a back-end app is created to handle this task, that could be built with Express running on Node, for example, that then needs to be deployed to a server, which is a machine or virtual machine that runs 24/7.
The bill of this server stills needs to be paid even when the back-end app is not used at all.
This problem of paying for things we don't use is solved by cloud functions, which is back-end code that runs on the cloud, and we pay for what we use, in a pay as you go scheme.
There are more problems cloud functions solve and you can find them on this Academind Youtube video.
What is Cloud Functions for Firebase?
Cloud Functions for Firebase is a serverless framework that lets you automatically run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests.
Your JavaScript or TypeScript code is stored in Google's cloud and runs in a managed environment. There's no need to manage and scale your own servers.
To know more about them, read the docs.
If you wanna know more about serverless, you can check out this Academind course: AWS Serverless APIs & Apps - A Complete Introduction, which uses AWS instead of Firebase.
Cloud function setup time!
Follow these steps to write your first cloud function:
Create a firebase project:
In the Firebase console, click Add project, then select or enter a Project name. You could name it nodemailer form
, but feel free to choose something different.
If you have trouble setting up the project, read this docs.
Install the Firebase CLI:
Run the following on the your terminal:
npm install -g firebase-tools
This installs the globally available firebase command. If the command fails, you may need to change npm permissions.
Initialize your project:
a) Run
firebase login
to log in via the browser and authenticate the firebase tool.
b) Initialize a firebase project by running:
firebase init
c) You''ll be promted with this question:
? Which Firebase CLI features do you want to set up for this folder? Press Space to select features, then Enter to confirm your choices. (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)❯◯ Database: Configure Firebase Realtime Database and deploy rules◯ Firestore: Deploy rules and create indexes for Firestore◯ Functions: Configure and deploy Cloud Functions◯ Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites◯ Storage: Deploy Cloud Storage security rules◯ Emulators: Set up local emulators for Firebase features◯ Remote Config: Get, deploy, and rollback configurations for Remote Config
Let's choose this option:
❯◯ Functions: Configure and deploy Cloud Functions
d) Then, youl'll be prompted with this:
=== Project SetupFirst, let's associate this project directory with a Firebase project. You can create multiple project aliases by running firebase use --add, but for now we'll just set up a default project.? Please select an option: (Use arrow keys)❯ Use an existing projectCreate a new projectAdd Firebase to an existing Google Cloud Platform projectDon't set up a default project
Choose this option:
❯ Use an existing project
e) We'll be asked which project and select the project you created on the step 1.
? Select a default Firebase project for this directory:❯ {your-project-name-xxxxx} ({your-project-name})(...)
Where your-project-name
depends on how you named your project. The xxxxx
characters are chosen by Firebase automatically.
Then, we'll see this:
=== Functions SetupA functions directory will be created in your project with a Node.jspackage pre-configured. Functions can be deployed with firebase deploy.? What language would you like to use to write Cloud Functions? (Use arrow keys)❯ JavaScriptTypeScript
Let's choose:
❯ JavaScript
f) We're now asked about ESLint:
? Do you want to use ESLint to catch probable bugs and enforce style? (y/N)
Let's choose:
to make this tutorial easier.
g) At this point, some files have been created inside the new folder called functions
✔ Wrote functions/package.json✔ Wrote functions/index.js✔ Wrote functions/.gitignore? Do you want to install dependencies with npm now? (Y/n)
We are asked about installing all the dependancies inside the /functions
folder. Let's choose:
If all the set up process went well, we'll see this:
i Writing configuration info to firebase.json...i Writing project information to .firebaserc...✔ Firebase initialization complete!
i) Lets install a couple more dependancies that we're gonna need in our cloud function, but first make sure to navigate to /functions
with your terminal:
cd functions
Now, check that you are currently at your-react-project-name/functions
by looking at the terminal. If you're not sure, just check it by running:
Now that your are sure you're inside the right location, run this command to install nodemailer
and cors
npm i nodemailer cors
Let's finally write the cloud function
All the cloud functions we wanna use must be exported from functions/index.js
file. As this project only has one function, let's define it and export it inside that file.
As a note, when you have multiple functions, it's better to create different files for them, and import & export them inside functions/index.js
To email is gonna be send using Nodemailer, a module, that we've already installed, for Node.js applications to allow easy as cake email sending ;)
So, let's write and export the cloud function inside functions/index.js
//functions/index.js//import needed modulesconst functions = require('firebase-functions');const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');//when this cloud function is already deployed, change the origin to 'https://your-deployed-app-urlconst cors = require('cors')({ origin: true });//create and config transporterlet transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({host: 'your host',port: your - port - number,secure: true, // true for 465, false for other portsauth: {user: 'your@email',pass: 'your password.',},});//export the cloud function called `sendEmail`exports.sendEmail = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {//for testing purposesconsole.log('from sendEmail function. The request object is:',JSON.stringify(req.body));//enable CORS using the `cors` express middleware.cors(req, res, () => {//get contact form data from the req and then assigned it to variablesconst email = req.body.data.email;const name = req.body.data.name;const message = req.body.data.message;//config the email messageconst mailOptions = {from: email,to: `your@email`,subject: 'New message from the nodemailer-form app',text: `${name} says: ${message}`,};//call the built in `sendMail` function and return different responses upon success and failurereturn transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => {if (error) {return res.status(500).send({data: {status: 500,message: error.toString(),},});}return res.status(200).send({data: {status: 200,message: 'sent',},});});});});
We use the cors()
middleware...but what's that for? It helps us managing whichURLs
requests can be sent to our cloud function from. In the development phase, the config below is used to let us call the function from any URL:
const cors = require('cors')({ origin: true });
The documentation for the transporter configuration can be checked here. In order to fill in the required fields, like host
, port
and auth
, you need to go to your email provider and find them.
The documentation for the email message configuration can be checked here, where you can find all the options available.
Congratulations! You've just created your first cloud function!
Testing the cloud function locally
Starting a local emulator
The moment of truth has come: it's time to see if our cloud function works properly. Let's do it locally with a local emulator; run this in the terminal:
firebase emulators:start --only functions
After running the command above, we should be prompted with this:
✔ functions[sendEmail]: http function initialized (http://localhost:5001/{your-project-name}/{server-location}/sendEmail).
where your-project-name
and server-location
depends on how you set up the Firebase project at the step 1 of Cloud function setup time! section.
To know know more about the local emulator, read these docs.
Using Postman
To test the cloud function already running locally on http://localhost:5001/{your-project-name}/{server-location}/sendEmail
, we're gonna open Postman, which is a software that let us call endpoints and test them individually. You can download it here.
Follow these steps to test the cloud function:
It seems that the cloud function sent the email successfully. Now, go to your email provider inbox and check if you got the email sent with the function:
Excellent! you have successfully tested your cloud function running locally.
Now, it's time to deploy it to the cloud!
Deploying the cloud function
The first step to deploy the cloud function to the cloud is changing the plan linked to the Firebase project to Blaze, which is a pay as you plan, but it has generous free quotas, e.g 2M invocations a month to cloud functions, for free!.
You can check the free quotas and pricing here.
There's no way to disable the cloud function automatically if it is abused by someone hitting it thousands of times, but we can set up a budget alert so we're notified by email when we're are already charged a certain ammount by Google .
Upgrading to a Blaze plan
Follow these instructions to change the plan and set up a budget alert:
Let's finally deploy it!
To finally deploy the cloud function to the cloud, run the following command:
firebase deploy --only functions
Then, we'll see this:
=== Deploying to 'your-project-name'...i deploying functionsi functions: ensuring required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabled...i functions: ensuring required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled...✔ functions: required API cloudbuild.googleapis.com is enabled✔ functions: required API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com is enabledi functions: preparing functions directory for uploading...i functions: packaged functions (21.64 KB) for uploading✔ functions: functions folder uploaded successfullyi functions: creating Node.js 12 function sendEmail({server-location})...✔ functions[sendEmail({server-location})]: Successful create operation.Function URL (sendEmail): https://{server-location}-{your-project-name-xxxxx}.cloudfunctions.net/sendEmail✔ Deploy complete!
Amazing! We are now ready to test it with Postman again!
Testing the deployed function on postman
This test is the same as we did Using Postman section, but making the request to this url instead: https://{server-location}-{your-project-name-xxxx}.cloudfunctions.net/sendEmail
For example, if your project name is nodemailer-form-akfhs
and the server is us-central1
, then the url would be: https://us-central1-nodemailer-form-akfhs.cloudfunctions.net/sendEmail
You should see a successfull response on Postman, and a new email in your inbox, if everything went well.
Calling the cloud function from the React app
Now it's time to call the cloud function from inside our React app and get rid off the fakeCloudFunction
We could just make an http POST request to https://{server-location}-{your-project-name-xxxxx}.cloudfunctions.net/sendEmail
, but there's a better way: we can use the Firebase SDK that allows us to interact with different Firebase services, like cloud functions, from inside our app in an easy way.
Registering the app on Firebase
The first step towards adding the SDK is registering an app and copy the firebaseConfig
Adding the Firebase SDK
We're gonna add the Firebase SDK via npm to our project.
Open the terminal at the root of your project, and run this command:
npm i firebase
This command will install the firebase module inside the node_modules
folder at the root level of our project, but not inside functions/node_modules
Now, create a src/firebase.js
(or any name you like) file and paste this:
//src/firebase.js//Import firebase from node_modulesimport firebase from 'firebase';//you have copy and paste this config from your Firebase Consoleconst firebaseConfig = {apiKey: '{your-apiKey}',authDomain: '{your-authDomain}',projectId: '{your-projectId}',storageBucket: '{your-storageBucket}',messagingSenderId: '{your-messagingSenderId}',appId: '{your-appId}',measurementId: '{your-measurementId}',};//initialize a Firebase instancefirebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);//initialize Cloud Functions through Firebasefirebase.functions();//this is optional, in case you want you wanna use analyticsfirebase.analytics();//export the `firebase` namespace to import it in src/App.jsexport default firebase;
Let's know make the following changes to src/App.js
//src/App.js//add this import at the top of the fileimport firebase from './firebase';//add this to assign the sendEmail cloud function to a constantconst sendEmail = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('sendEmail');//inside function App()function App() {//inside submitForm()const submitForm = () => {//replace fakeCloudFunction with sendEmailsendEmail({name: contactForm.name.value,email: contactForm.email.value,message: contactForm.message.value}).then(() => {(...)}).catch(() => {(...)})}
We use the httpCallable()
method to directly point to a specific cloud function, by simply passing the name of the cloud function, which is sendEmail
in this case.
The httpCallable()
method can only be used when the cloud function was defined with , which is true in our case (you can check functions/index.js
to verify that we used it).
That's it! This is all the setup needed to finally call the cloud function from inside the React app.
Let's now test it.
Testing the deployed function from inside the React App
Let's serve the app in development by running:
npm start
and open the browser on localhost:3000
Now, fill in the form and submit it. The snackbars
should tell you if the request was successful or not. If you wanna be really sure, open your browser dev tools, go to network, and check the response body of the request.
To complete the test, go to your email inbox, and verify you got the the email.
Optionally, you could also deploy your React app to Firebase, following this steps.
As a final step, you can change the setup of the cors
middleware of the cloud function by adding to the whitelist the URL
of your deployed app.
//functions/index.jsconst cors = require('cors')({ origin: '{your-deployed-app-URL}' });
This way, requests on the browser can only be done from your deployed app and not from other URLs.
If you redeploy your cloud function after changing the cors
config, and you run your app locally on localhost:3000
, you should see the following error on the console on your browser dev tools when submiting the form:
Access to fetch at 'https://us-central1-nodemailer-form-8fdf0.cloudfunctions.net/sendEmail' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
But, if you filll in the form from your deployed app URL, you shouldn't see any error related to CORS. This would prove that the cors
config change was successfully done.
That was all! It was a long tutorial, but now, you can feel more confident and apply this for a contact form in your next project!
Happy coding!